
Noticias Argentinas


Save 25% on dolphin interaction programs
at Miami Seaquarium. Call 305-365-2501 and make sure to mention MIAMI443
There’s no greater thrill than getting in the water with a dolphin at Dolphin Harbor. The Dolphin Odyssey program includes a deep-water interaction with a dolphin, including a ride with the dolphin across the pool. The Dolphin Encounter, great for families, is a shallow water program where the participants try their hands at training a dolphin. Both programs are offered daily.

The rates for the Miami443 Dolphin Deal are:
  • Dolphin Odyssey $149.00 plus tax = $159.43 (reg. $199 + tax)
  • Adult Encounter $104.00 plus tax = $111.28 (reg. $139 + tax)
  • Child Encounter $74.00 plus tax = $79.18 (reg. $ 99 + tax)
  • Reserve now through September 30, 2010. Must use by December 15, 2010

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